
16 September 2019

A magnet and an art journal page for Scrap FX

My first share today is something pretty simple and something I've made a couple of times recently, a magnet.  It did actually start as the focal point for a project I was going to create but as it started taking place, i decided I didn't want it hidden away in a book.
I started by painting all 3 feathers with black acrylic paint.  Once dry, I added some glue in random places and attached some gold leaf.
The smaller feathers, a Mini Feather and an Inspire to Be Feather, have been painted over with a clear Colour Blast Shimmer marker.  This just gives the feathers a nice sparkle.
The Blooming Feather, the largest one, was then given a coat of Unicorn Stickles.  This has given the feather a  gold/iridescent look.
I added a couple of pieces of magnet to the back of the feathers and glued them all together, tying the end with some threads.
Inspire to be Feather  Mini Feathers  Blooming Feather
This art journal page started as a bit of paint on the background and the Circle Collage stamp randomly stamped around the page.
My cluster was made with some paper scraps, some pieces cut from the Filmstrips Transparency, a white Filigree Lace piece, some book pager and my sewing machine.  I used matte medium to adhere a couple of ladies that I cut from the Classic Ladies Transparency.
When I'm using Scrap FX stamps, after inking up and placing on my paper, i put a stamp block over the top and find I get a nice full coverage.   The romantic thoughts stamp has been edged with a black sharpie to add a bit of shadow but to also hide any messy cuts.
An orange posca pen was used to colour the back of one of the ladies dresses for a real leopard print look.  And a small piece of Patterned Borders Transparency has been added to my stamped image to give my lady a choker.
Filigree Lace A WHITE  Romantic Thoughts stamp  Circle collage stamps
Classic Ladies transparency  Patterned Borders transparency  Filmstrips Transparency
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